Monday, January 7, 2008

The Austere Academy ( Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 5)

The three Baudelaire orphans attend for the first time there new home, Prufrock Preparatory School. They can only hope that this place will be there home for a good amount of time. The school looked gloomy and sad with its tombstone shaped buildings, dull landscape and nobody in sight. Especially with the words "Memento Mori" over the school building in which Klaus the middle orphan interpreted to be "everyone dies". Still the orphans tried to remain optimistic and exited about finally getting the opportunity to go to school and get a proper education. The three children fallowed there social workers orders and went straight to Vice Principle Nero’s office. There first reaction was one that many would agree with, Vice principle Nero had very strict rules, unfair punishments and no tolerance for any kind of misbehaving. The three orphans didn’t know if they would have a pleasant time here after all. At lunch the three orphans were not at all greeted very well by there peers. The whole school practically chanted numerous remarks and the orphans were not welcome to sit at any table of their choosing. One girl named Carmelita Spats was particular the most obnoxious and continuously made fun of the orphans in every possible way she could think of. Finally right before the orphans were neck high in embarrassment and humiliation they were very relieved to hear the voices of two students sticking up for them. The Quagmire triplets allowed Klaus Sunny and Violet to sit with them. As the lunch period progressed they found that they had a lot in common. Like the Baudelaire orphans the Quagmire triplets also are orphans and have lost there brother and parents in a fire. They immediately were surprised to learn that they have the same interests and taste, the Baudelaire orphans finally made friends. Things were going pretty well until the Baudelaire orphans met their new gym teacher, Coach Genghis. Without any hesitation each child new it was Count Olaf in a disguise. The orphans tried to figure out what Olaf’s plan this time was to capture them but none of them could figure anything out. The Quagmire triplets tried to help as well but they had no experience in Count Olaf’s evil plans and they didn’t know where to start. One day at lunch the Baudelaire orphans were approached by Carmelita Spats. She seemed to be in a good mood as she told the orphans they were expected to go see Coach Genghis at the field right after school. The orphans were extremely worried for they did not know what will happen to them. That evening they showed up at the field and pretended they didn’t know that Coach Genghis was really Count Olaf. He surprisingly only made the orphans run lots and lots of laps around the field until they could not run no more, they were extremely exhausted. Coach Genghis made the orphans run every day, the children were extremely tired and could not pay attention in school any longer. Finally Vice Principle Nero found out about the orphans lack of effort towards there classes and wanted them to take a final exam that will determine if the orphans should be expelled from the school and sent to Coach Genghis for tutoring. Nero obviously didn’t know about the orphans running activity with Count Olaf so he didn’t know that was the reason why they were so tired. The Baudelaire siblings were extremely worried and turned to the Quagmire triplets for help. They now knew Olaf’s plan, if he got them expelled he could take the fortune away from them. The orphans had a plan to disguise the Quagmire triplets as themselves and have them run laps with Coach Genghis as Klaus and Violet study real hard so they don’t fail the exam and get expelled. They thought it was fool proof. Violet and Klaus studied very hard and were now by far ready to take the quiz, they just didn’t know how the Quagmire triplets are doing. Right as they began taking the Quiz Coach Genghis came in holding the Quagmire’s disguises. The Baudelaire’s were shocked to see there plan fail and did not know what kind of trouble there friends were in. After the Orphans finally convinced vice principle Nero that Coach Genghis is really Count Olaf he runs out of the building into a car parked on the corner of the field. Inside the Car are the Quagmire triplets screaming for help. The orphans try to run after them but it’s too late, they got away. Count Olaf once again has escaped and will probably be back again.
------------Klaus is known for his great interests in books and reading. Whenever the Baudelaire orphans were in trouble and needed to figure something out, Klaus would always remember something from what he had read to help them.
------------Violet is the oldest sibling the Baudelaire family. She is highly gifted when it comes to inventing things and is very clever. She is brave and eager and she will always try to help you if you are in need.
-------------This book i didn't really enjoy as much as the others. It was frustrating to see how stubborn the characters were, such as Principle Nero and the social worker because they paid no attention to the orphans what so ever.
--------------In this book, determining importance is a key strategy in helping you understand the book more. Lemony Snicket has a tendency to explain every little thing and i personally feel it is totally irrelevant from the story and is extremely annoying.
--------------Lemony Snicket is a very humorous and creative author who ads his personal experiences into the book. When you read one of his books you always know what a word means because he often explains it several times. I feel that when i read the book it feels like i am reading a dictionary and i end up skipping whatever he has to say.

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