Monday, January 7, 2008


My book Thirteen, is a Horror book filled with many stories that are frightening and exiting. Each story is written by a different author, Christopher Pike, R.L. Stine, A. Bates, D.E. Athkins, Lael Littke and Pat Windsor. They are just a few of the authors who contributed to this book.
One of the stories that a choose to wright about is "The Spell" written by R.L Stine.
It starts off with this girl Jennifer who hangs out with her five friends all the time. She is a nice girl, smart and has a sense of humor but what she doesn’t have is the ability to protect her and her friends for what is about to come upon them.
One nice day her and her friend s were outside when she noticed Chad getting picked on again by Marty. To her it was the same old thing, she new Chad’s a little weird and Marty is always teasing him for it. Although Chad never said anything or stood up for himself she knew it hurt him deeply yet she just stood there and watched and laughed like the others. Even though Chad was part of the group he had a different relationship towards everybody then they did, he was probably closest with Jennifer the most and she was aware of that. She always tried her best to make him feel like he fit in but she knew it was pointless, he had no self-esteem.
Time past and Chad began to hang out with them less and less. He began having an interest in Hypnosis which just gave them more of a chance to make fun of him, but he remained stuck in his attack reading old books that no one has read for the past century. I get the impression Jennifer felt bad for him but didn’t want to be the only one saying something about it so she remained silent.
Chad finally decided to hang out with them, they ate dinner at an Italian restaurant and everyone especially Chad was having a good time. It was just like old times until Chad pulled out his hypnosis watch and began trying to hypnotize them, like always Marty and them teased him, they did not feel a any bit different .Everyone except Marty went to Chad’s house that night, Marty couldn’t make it because of his knew job at the restaurant near where they live. Every time someone made a gesture that they were about to leave he made them stay by telling them a joke or giving them something more to eat, Jennifer new he was acting a bit strange. He kept them passed dark and had them take a walk, everyone didn’t mind and went along visit. Within the first several blocks Mark stopped and starred at Pete and Molly who were with them at the time. He then ordered them to walk right in the middle of the busy road standing before them on their left. To Jennifer’s surprise they walked into the middle of the road showing no emotion or hesitation. Jennifer was confused and speechless, she stood there calling out her friends name and begging them to come back. she was practically soaked with tears. Cars dodged and beeped at them as they swerved past there still bodies. Jennifer begged Chad to do something but he ignored her and was pleased by the way Molly and Pete did as they were told to do. Chad then ordered them to come back, both Molly and Pete seemed to not remember a thing.
Once they got back to the house Molly and Pete left leaving Jennifer and Chad alone. Chad then explained what happened just now, he said when they were at the restaurant he really did hypnotize them. He said he just ordered Pete and Molly to kill Marty tonight as he goes outside to take out the trash at his new job. Jennifer was speechless, how could someone she new almost all her life to such a horrible thing. Then Chad then asked her to come with him too watch Marty’s death. Out of fear she went with him, not knowing what might happen to her if she doesn’t. As she approached the ally of the restaurant she looked down only to find her good friend Marty in a puddle of blood. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing she ran home, tears fled down her face and just as she stepped into the doorway the phone began to ring. She hesitantly picked it up only to hear Chad’s voice. He whispered as he spoke his very last words to her, "your next". Is all she heard.
It just goes to show you, be carful who your friends are.

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