Thursday, January 31, 2008

Darkness Before Dawn

-----This book takes place with a girl named Keisha recovering from the death ofher ex-boyfriend Andy. Keisha has dealt with a lot of pain in her life and she was looking for someone who can compfort her and make her feel better. When her first year of being a senor began, she was greeted by a collage stufent named Jonathan Hathaway. Jonathan was the princibles son and was also a volunteer assistant teacher at the school, Keisha immediatly fell in love with him. Jonathan was a unlike any boy she has ever met, unlike the tippical high school guy, Jonathan was safisticated, charming, and romantic. He would take Keisha to the theater, museum and the mountains. Keisha's parents were concerned with her relationship with a guy that was about three years older than her, but they tried to make an exeption because this was the firts time in a while they saw there daughter realy happy. Than during the school dance Jonathan wanted to take Keisha out to dinner. He took her to his appartment where like always was his charming self. This time though, when she bagan to feel tired and worried to be at his appartment this late at night, he refused to take her home. After she was practicaly screaming at him, she ran to the door. He stopped her in her tracks and he cornered her to a wall. He held a nife to her head and threatened her to get in bed with him. With all her might she managed to the knife out of his hand and scratched him accross the face. She was able to leave the appertment, although her jacket and shoes were still left behind. Without anyone in site, she passsed out on the snow. Luckily someone found her and she alerted her parents. After the incident Keisha faced a time of depression but with help from her friends, she managed to be just fine. At the end of the year Keisha gave the speech at graduation, she knew she has succeded in the end.

-------Kiesha is a one of a kind girl, she smart and pretty but she is also very sensetive.In her life she has dealt with a lot of pain, but she has the determination to overcome whatever comes her way.

-------Jonathan Hathaway is no more than a self-centered jerk. He has no respect for anyone but himself and he has caused a lot of people a great deal of pain. He might not know how this will effect him now, but he will in the future.

--------I feel that this book was a great way to end this series. Even though each character at, at least one time has dealt with a alot of hurt and pain, they know to make the best of what they got and to never give up. The message that Keisha has left us with at the end of her speech was inspiring to not only the other characters in the book, but the reader as well.

--------In this book i used a lot of infrencing. The characters are like real people so i am able to make infrences based on what i hear in real life. I just knew there was something creepy about Jonathon Hathaway. The way he was intrested in such a young girl just wasn't right, plus the wasn't any other way of the book having a problem.

-------Sharon M. Draper is a great author who writes about social issues that go on in scociety today. She gives the reader a sence of reality for what troubles you may face as time goes on. Her characters come to life and by the second chapter, it seems like you know them personally

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